February 14, 2024

Social Driver Celebrates Six Years of #loveSDelivered

Celebrating Six Years of Spreading Love and Making a Difference

Driver Foundation

For the sixth consecutive year, Social Driver has demonstrated its commitment to The Trevor Project with the heartwarming #lovesDelivered campaign. This initiative is just one facet of Social Driver's broader philanthropic efforts, which include donating 1 percent of its annual revenues to charitable causes through The Driver Foundation.

The #lovesDelivered campaign, a cherished Valentine's Day tradition, has become a hallmark of Social Driver's dedication to spreading love and making a positive impact. Each February, a dedicated team of Social Driver employees crafts a special campaign that includes sending Valentine's cards to team members, clients, and community partners. This gesture of appreciation extends beyond the company's immediate circle.

In its sixth year, the #lovesDelivered campaign continued its support for The Trevor Project, a vital organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth. The connection between Social Driver and The Trevor Project runs deep, with CEO and Co-Founder Thomas Sanchez serving on the organization's board of directors.

The Driver Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Social Driver, extends its impact throughout the year by supporting a diverse range of nonprofits, with a particular focus on organizations serving youth and diverse communities. A unique aspect of the Foundation's approach is its emphasis on employee involvement. Each year, team members have the opportunity to select charities to receive microgrants, ensuring that the company's giving reflects the passions and values of its workforce.

Social Driver's commitment to creating a brighter future for the community has been a core principle since the company's inception. The #lovesDelivered campaign and the year-round giving program through The Driver Foundation are tangible expressions of this commitment. The company takes pride in how its team has embraced these initiatives and contributed to their growth over the past six years.

The company's charitable efforts have not gone unnoticed. The Washingtonian magazine has recognized Social Driver as one of the 18 most charitable companies in Washington, D.C., a testament to its ongoing dedication to making a difference.

As Social Driver celebrates this six-year milestone of #lovesDelivered, it reaffirms its commitment to making an impact through community engagement. The company continues to set an example for how businesses can integrate philanthropy into their core values and operations, creating a positive ripple effect that extends far beyond their immediate sphere of influence.